Five pairs of Jaguar Kingland tires will enliven the Mandalika MotoGP event, Lombok, Mataram Indonesia. Kingland Tire officially sent its products to the international moment of Mandalika. Kingland Tire also enlivened the automotive activity which was highlighted by the world. Through the Gomax community (online motorcycle taxis) who are touring from Jakarta to Mandalika, Kingland Tire is installed on five Yamaha NMax motorcycles. Their departure has started from Jakarta since March 12, 2022. A total of 10 Gomax motorbikes and 12 gas members go to Lombok.

The time they take if there are no obstacles is four to five days. In Mandalika, Gomax members will be welcomed by the motorcycle community, especially Gomax. They will kopdar and watch MotoGP.

“Five pairs of Kingland tires have been installed on five Gomax member motorbikes. The type of tires it uses are Jaguar, sizes 110/70/13 and 130/70/13. Kingland Tire will support community activities or motorcycle clubs for now. Previously, Kingland entered the world of racing,” said Joko Suseno, Marketing Head of Kingland Tire’s Division.

He said, with Kingland Tire’s proximity to the community, it is hoped that the motorbike clubs can provide feedback to Kingland in terms of durability, and the cruising range of the various tracks it takes.

“This is the first time Kingland has collaborated with Gomax. In addition to providing tire support, Kingland Tire also provides financial assistance to Gomax and the merchandise they use,” he said.

There were 12 members who toured Lombok with 10 iron horses they rode. In addition to them to watch world racers, they will explore the panorama there.

“Our total trip was for two weeks. Because we will explore Java, Bali and Lombok. In Mandalika, we will watch MotoGP together with other motorcycle clubs,” said Anang Fauzi, Chairman of Gomax Adventure.

He said, Gomax will explore the world of tourism there. From Lombok going to Sape. From Sape to Bali, Lumajang, Banyuwangi, Pacitan, Yogyakarta, Pangandaran, Garut and finish in Jakarta.

“Hopefully our mission will be achieved and it will be successful. Thank you Kingland Tire,” said Anang.