Racingindonesia. com- 31 October 2023. Indonesia Motorcycle Show 2023, which will take place in hall 9 – ICE Bsd 28-29 October 2023, is one of the events that many national automotive lovers go to, apart from the emergence of many new motorbikes from various brands, this event also participated in by several kinds of product brands that are still related to the world of two-wheeled automotive.

Kingland, which also happened to be taking part in one of the national automotive activities, was also present by offering several of its flagship products as well as introducing consumers to products made in this country. “On this occasion we aim to introduce Kingland products to the wider community, and of course we will give a discount of 33% for those who buy directly at our booth,” said Joko Suseno, Head of Marketing Division, Kingland Tire.

This strategy was successful in attracting the attention and enthusiasm of IMOS 2023 visitors to come and buy Kingland tires of various types and sizes. “Alhamdulillah, this time we were quite busy with visitors who also bought our products. Talking about the best seller, the Leopard tire type was the favorite, so the stock we brought for sale was sold out.” Answer Joko Suseno Head of Marketing Division Kingland Tire.

Kingland Leopard Tires Are the Favorites at IIMs 2023.Even though it is starting to be successful in winning the hearts of consumers, Joko Suseno as Head of Marketing Division of Kingland Tire admits that he and Kingland continue to make developments to maintain the quality of these products, and not only for daily motorbikes, in the future, research and development has started to be carried out. Special tires used for National Racing events. “For racing tires, we are still continuing to do research, bro, where currently we are waiting for the best tire compound so that we can compete more with other brands in national motorbike racing events.” concluded Joko Suseno, Head of Marketing Division, Kingland Tire.

Great, hopefully it can develop further and many racers and mechanics switch to Kingland Tires. Even though the current tire composition is very good and suitable for use in racing, I’m waiting for a surprise from Kingland, sir, hehe.